Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management (Executive Update 2, Part 1 & 2)
We have just released Part 1 & 2 of Executive Update 2 of the Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management Study in the Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level.
Every so often, we release a study that is so powerful, so fundamental, that if you take the time to read it multiple times and really understand what it was teaching and how it was teaching it, it will teach you a primary/core skill that will change your ability to operate as a seasoned professional with a deeply analytical mind.
This is one of those studies.
The study focuses on asset management within financial services, an area that is becoming increasingly important worldwide as income levels rise. In this study, we are going to analyze an asset manager that is growing at a slower rate than competitors in one of the most dynamic markets in the world. And because it is growing at a slower rate, it's ultimately losing market share.
In this study, we will present a way to analyze the distribution of a financial services product, which, with a few tweaks and changes, could be applied to the distribution of any financial services product, even though our primary focus here is on investment products for wealth management.
This is a study that we encourage everyone to read. Take the time to work through it. Think about how you could apply this thinking to your own sector, which may not be in financial services. It teaches a fundamental skill: how to analyze a market across all key elements, all the way from asset management to distribution and administration. Whether or not you are in financial services or asset management, you are in an industry that produces something that you distribute.
The study is particularly interesting because it takes a very complicated subject and analyzes it in a sophisticated yet simple way to draw out very important analyses. It uses highly sophisticated frameworks developed for the client, and it pulls it apart in a way we have not yet applied in other studies.
This is one of those anchor studies like our study on Competition, the LAB Study, the Power Sector study, and the Tech M&A study. These are anchor studies because they teach foundational skills that we want our clients to master.
In this study, we tackle something incredibly sophisticated in an area where many people tend to be a little bit afraid. While most people are afraid of math and finance, when you analyze finances within the financial services sector, people tend to get even more intimidated. However, this is a topic that has become more important globally as the middle class has risen in most countries and the number of millionaires has increased.
So, this is a foundational study that we will be referring to for years to come. It teaches something so fundamental that every member should work through it. It teaches a skill of how to analyze a complex sector in a way that is easy to follow, even if you do not have a background in the sector.
Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management consists of 3 executive updates.
1. Log in to The Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level, membership area.
2. See the "FULL ENGAGEMENTS" dropdown.
3. Select "Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management."
4. The Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management consists of 197 slides for Executive Update 1 and 107 slides for Executive Update 2.
If you are The Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level, member, here is the direct link to these particular update.
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